Page Arizona is in northern Arizona and the home of Glen Canyon Dam which creates Lake Powell on the Colorado River. Lake Powell stretches for 186 miles and has more than 1,900 miles of shoreline. This lake is a very popular destination for folks with any type of water craft. There are also several marinas where you can rent most any type of water craft. Below are pictures of the dam and the marina just above the dam.
Page is also the home of several "slot" canyons. You have probably seen pictures of slot canyons but may not have realized that is what they are called. The pictures below were taken at a slot canyon named Antelope Canyon today. We rode from Page to Antelope Canyon in the back of a pickup truck outfitted with seating to accomodate 14 passengers. Once we arrived at the Navajo Nation parksite, we traveled another 3 miles up an arroyo or dry wash to arrive at the entrance of the canyon. The walk through the canyon is about a quarter of a mile long and as you look up you see beautiful sandstone canyon walls sculpted by wind blown sand at some times and flood water at other times and lighted by sunlight coming in through openings at the top of the canyon. I took about 150 pictures in the canyon and below are about a dozen of the nicer ones.