Wednesday, September 14, 2011


We altered our original route slightly and stayed in the southern part of Wyoming.  We had originally intended to go to Cody Wyoming from Scottsbluff Nebraska and then go south through Yellowstone National Park to Jackson Wyoming, but Jane talked to some folks on a bike from Oklahoma who had been in Yellowstone the day before and they said that a cold front and possibly snow were expected in Cody.  We can handle cold but not snow on a bike, thus the change of plans.  We went instead to Riverton Wyoming yesterday.

Today we traveled from Riverton to Jackson Wyoming.  A couple of hours into our trip today we came to the little town of Dubois.  In Dubois, Jane took advantage of the rare opportunity to ride a jackalope.  For those of you not up on your North American mythical animals, a jackalope is rabbit like creature with antlers like a deer or antelope.  They are quite rare, most often found in gas stations and gift shops in Wyoming, they were voted the official mythical animal of the State of Wyoming by the Wyoming House of Representatives.

A few miles west of Dubois we got into a couple of serious road construction projects.  We had one stretch of about a mile and another stretch of about 4 miles that we had to follow a pilot car on rough dirt roadway.  We were at pretty high elevation, the temperature dropped to about 41 degrees and it had rained about a half hour before we got there so it was a bit slick, but we made it through without incident.

By early afternoon we were approaching the Teton mountain range and the temperature was up to the mid 60's and we had some sunshine.  The road turns southward and parallels the Teton mountain range.  The Tetons are very ragged and steep and usually present a terrific photo opportunity, but today there was rain between us and the mountains and so we didn't get any really nice pictures of them.  We are supposed to have a nice sunny day tomorrow so we should get some great pictures, maybe some moose and buffalo too!